Disassembling the V3

V3 Disassembly guide


  1. Using a Phillips head screwdriver, remove the indicated front panel screws on the top and bottom.

  2. Gently lift the front panel to make sure not to damage any of the wires inside.

  3. Unplug the microphone and speaker connector on the left hand side of PCB, near the Earphone, Microphone and Key jacks. These require very little force and can be undone by hand or tweezers.

  4. Remove the flat ribbon cable on the pub, under the Raspberry Pi. Next remove the screen power connector, near the RTC module.

  5. Remove display cable on the display, using a toothpick or a tweezers to undo the cable lock mechanism on both sides by gently nudging the black clip. Be careful not to fold the cable!

    If done correctly, the latch should be released as seen in the photo and the cable should slip out easily.

 Now you can access the Raspberry Pi and the other modules. Proceed further only if you plan to remove the PCB from the enclosure.

6. Remove power switch connector and remove the indicated back panel screws on the top and bottom. Skip this step if you’re trying to replace the Raspberry Pi, but remove the top and bottom screws of the right side panel.

7. Remove the four screws securing the raspberry pi. Gently nudge the pi out. You could use a finger under the ethernet port to help the Pi out of it’s connector.

8. Remove the five indicated screws that secure the main PCB.: Two near the BNC connector, one under the Pi, one near the earphone jack and the final one near the power switch.

9.  After the last screw in removed, the board can be gently removed by sliding it out at an angle. You can also loosen the Pi’s display port cover for better access.
10. To put everything back together, follow this guide in reverse.

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